How to Attend Weddings Without Going Broke

Written By:
Haley Sacks
(aka Mrs. Dow Jones)

Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em we all know that the time has come: wedding season is here. Listen I’m not bitter about it, who doesn’t love love?! But here’s the reality that we all know too well: weddings are EXPENSIVE, even as a guest.

So I’m here to give you my top tips and tricks to get you through wedding season alive & well:

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Lol that I’m starting with this one, but this is probably one of my most asked questions. How TF do I say no to being in/attending a wedding without forever ruining a friendship?! The answer is simple, if you can’t afford it, it’s not worth it, and the bride & groom should understand that.

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Create a dialogue that will help them understand: “I love you both so much, but I’d be putting myself in financial disarray if I said yes to this. I hope I can find another way to celebrate you!”

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From the gift, to your dress, to the flight and hotel, that sh$t adds up! Once you know you’re attending that wedding, do your best to estimate the cost so it’s not a huge surprise when it’s all said and done.

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Take my super helpful Wedding Gift Budget quiz to figure out how much you’re going to have to spend on their gift. P.S. share with your friends too — all my friends use it every wedding season!

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Hell yeah, I said it! Take advantage of wedding season also being a time to squeeze that vacay in, see old friends & family (and maybe make that attempt to meet the hot single person at the wedding bar?!) But for real, sometimes destination weddings are my favorite excuses to get that me time I’ve been craving all year.

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Check to see if it’s less expensive to fly out during the week. That way, it’s a financial win-win and you’re getting more time to justify making this wedding a vacation for yourself.