Money Tools
These are our top picks for the money tools you need to grow wealth.
I handpick every single one and only work with brands I trust and use. Plus by clicking on these links, you may unlock special promos exclusive to Mrs. Dow Jones. THAT BEING SAID: Some of these are affiliate links or brand partners. Just wanna BFFR :)

Better Banking


STOP👏 KEEPING👏 YOUR 👏SAVINGS IN👏 A REGULAR CHECKINGS ACCOUNT. Open a HYSA instead. They earn 50x more interest than a traditional savings account. This is where you’ll keep your emergency fund as well as short-term savings :) Everyone needs one. It's a financial non-negotiable.

Our Pick:

Best Bank

Ally is an online bank (which rocks because going to the bank sucks.)  I love a free pen- but if I can do something on my phone instead, sign me up! No fees to sign up, they offer great interest rates, have lots of checking account options and their app has an easy interface!

Our Pick:

Best Brokerage

To grow wealth you need to invest your money. Which means… opening a brokerage account! I love Fidelity. They have a super easy interface, no pesky fees, & amazing customer service. They’re a good fit for all investors, especially my Wall Street Virgins.

Our Pick:

Best IRA

Roth IRAs are the best! Everyone should have one- like a little black dress. We love to grow tax-free wealth! Fidelity is my pick to open one too.

Our Pick:

Best Custodial Brokerage

Surprise surprise! I am recommending Fidelity AGAIN here. They make it SO EASY to invest for your kids. Which is KEY if you want to grow generational wealth.

Our Pick:


Car Insurance

Driving without insurance is a big No-No. You want someone that’ll have your back if/when the sh*t hits the fan. This is our pick to protect your whip.

Our Pick:

Homeowners Insurance

Your biggest (and most pricey) asset needs to be insured! Financial protection and peace of mind are crucial when it comes to your home!

Our Pick:
State Farm

Renters Insurance

Nearly 60% of renters don’t have renters insurance! Maybe they didn’t know that renters insurance also covers things like stolen laptops and lost engagement rings? It’s a safety net for all your belongings, easily customizable in terms of what you can get covered, and actually affordable! Don’t go without, seriously.

Our Pick:

Pet Insurance

Your favorite furchild needs coverage too! Medical expenses can be shockingly high and in emergency situations, you don’t want to worry about whether you can afford it or not. Trust me. It’s def cheaper to have pet insurance in the long run.

Our Pick:
Pet’s Best

Life Insurance

Do it for your loved ones! Don’t leave behind a financial mess. Life insurance means your beneficiaries are covered when it comes to end of life/ funeral costs and can cover outstanding debts, education for kids and lost income for spouses. Get life insurance when you’re young and healthy so you lock in at a good rate. For most people, Term will do the trick.

Our Pick:

Debt Pay-Off

Student Loan Refinancing

Refinancing your student loans allows you to secure a more competitive interest rate, resulting in decreased monthly payments and potential savings of thousands of dollars over time. Essentially, you exchange your current loan for a superior one offered by a private lender. ***This applies (mainly) to private loans!

Our Pick:

Personal Debt

Have debt you want to pay off? Think about consolidating it into one payment (with one interest rate). This could LOWER your monthly payment- which will help you get out of debt faster.

Our Pick:
Happy Money

Credit Cards

For Those New On the Credit Card Scene

For Those who like Cold Hard Cash Back

For Those Who Dine Out More Than In

For Those Who are Part of the Jet Set


Tax Prep Software

TaxSlayer does a great job simplifying the process so even the most tax-confused pleb can file a return easily and affordably. Great for freelancers, too!

Our Pick:

Life Hacking

Password Managers

Keeping all your login information to your financial accounts in one place is super important! You don’t want to have to hit “forgot password” every time you wanna check a bill.

Our Pick:


You don’t need to spend a ton to look expensive, you just need to spend WELL. These are my fav 2nd hand retailers.

Our Picks: DePop, eBay, Croissant

Three Comma Club

Need friends to talk money with? Join the Three Comma Club! It’s our Facebook Group and is filled with future rich people JUST LIKE YOU who want to have honest conversations about growing wealth.

Reading List

A good book about finance will change your life. (And a good book about life will change your finances…). These are my favorites! They have helped me shift my money mindset and I know will help shift yours too!